Thursday, October 30, 2014

Updated Summoners Rift

For almost six months, we’ve had the updated Summoner’s Rift stewing on PBE as we made tweaks and changes based on your feedback. Although we’ll continue to refine and optimize, we’re pretty happy with where we’re at right now, so we’ll soon be moving onto the next phase: open beta! Once the 2014 season is officially wrapped, we’re going to use a staggered rollout during preseason, pushing the updated map onto live in stages to help ensure server stability. Here’s the order for our planned rollout:

  • Stage 1: Team Builder and Intro Bot games
  • Stage 2: All normal modes, custom games, and all other bot modes
  • Stage 3: Ranked

We expect this rollout could take several weeks and we may delay stages if we run into bugs or server stability issues. That said, our plan is to push it out as fast as we can while making sure its appearance is toaster-friendly and doesn’t Lee Sin kick our servers into oblivion.
Finally, while this is still technically a beta (we're planning to continue to update Summoner's Rift--for example, expect updates in the next couple of patches!), the updated Summoner’s Rift will eventually completely replace the old one, so there will be no separate queues to play on the existing SR. This’ll allow us to focus our resources on improving the updated SR, and avoid splitting the team’s focus by having to make the upcoming preseason changes on both.
From the entire team that worked on this update, we truly wanted to thank you for your feedback! We can’t wait to face you all in-game on Summoner's Rift
Riot Aeon
Taken from League News

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Harowing

The Black Mist rolls over land and sea, seeking the living—leaving them helpless to the half-glimpsed horrors it carries. The poor souls return with the mist to the Shadow Isles. In time, they’ll forget friends and lovers, even themselves, becoming part of the terrible force that grows stronger every year.

Friday, October 24, 2014

HexaKill in Twisted Treeline

Hexakill doubles the number of champions on the Twisted Treeline. Bringing twelve champions to League’s most close-quartered map ensures intense gankery and more than a few opportunities to net yourself a coveted hexakill. We’ve bumped up gold and experience rewards across the map and controlling both altars now buffs you as well as your minions. Claustrophobes—and arachnophobes— need not apply. Welcome back to the Twisted Treeline.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Samsung White Wins 2014 World Championship

Sangam Stadium may have opened to house a soccer tournament, but on Sunday night, Samsung White turned it into a slaughterhouse. Closing out its indomitable 2014 post-season run, Samsung White ran away with the League of Legends 2014 World Championship, defeating Star Horn Royal Club in a 3-1 rout. Though Uzi and his Royal Club did manage an impressive Game 3 win, today's outcome means a second year in a row in which the team finished second place in the World Final.
Though it could have just as easily been awarded to jungler DanDy, the night ended with Samsung White support Mata taking home the 2014 World Championship MVP. He finished the tournament 18/27/253, with a 10.04 KDA, all the while serving as Samsung White's strategic mastermind and shotcaller.
 Clic Here for more details and to watch the game.

New Darius Skin: DunkMaster Darius

The New Dunk Master Darius skin has finally come and I love playing as that champion and skin. Don't even get me started on his Taunts.

With the first pick in the draft, Noxus selects… Dunkmaster Darius! No surprise there. 6 feet 5 inches. 266 lbs. 34 ½ inch arms. His signature dunk, the Guillotine, cleaves through defenders – one guy actually died trying to guard him at the scouting combine. He’s the best player in the history of the game and he knows it.
When Dunkmaster Darius hits the court, the entire League is going to stand up and take notice.


Hello Viewer,
And Welcome to my blog. This Blog is mainly for League Of Legends but I do Love The walking dead so watch out but I'll also blog about other games, so let me know what games you enjoy and what you would like to see. Hopefully I will try to blog every other day but I will defiantly blog every Wednesday. Also don't mind giving me some constructive criticism so I can improve.
P.S. Most information is taken from league of legends official website or there News Website.
Add Me on League as LegendaryGreekSL

Thanks and stay tuned for more.